By e-Learning SMKDM

Sunday 14 August 2011

Galaxies /Galaksi

􀁺 A galaxy is made of billions of stars, dust and gas all held together by gravity
􀁺 Galaxies are scattered throughout the universe and they are vary in size
􀁺 Galaxies can be classified according to their appearance and shape.

􀃂 Spiral galaxies usually is shaped like a disk that tends to
resemble a whirlpool or pinwheel
􀃂 It contains a lot of dark dust clouds and young star cluster

􀃂 Elliptical galaxies are actually of ellipsoidal shape
􀃂 Normally, elliptical galaxies contain very little gas, dust and older stars

􀃂 Irregular galaxies has an undefined shape
􀃂 It is full of dust, gas and young star

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