By e-Learning SMKDM

Saturday 23 April 2011

Land and its Resources 01 Tanah dan Sumbernya

The properties of mineral. Different minerals have different characteristics. Mineral possess different characteristicc in term of:
1. Hardness
2. Solubility in water
3. Effect of Heat
Hardness of mineral refers to the resistance offered by the mineral on being scratched.
The hardness of a mineral is measured In Mohs unit.
Most mineral are hard. This mineral can only be scratched by hard objects such as knives.
Nevertheless, hard mineral can scratch softer minerals.
All mineral made up of….Carbonate….Oxide….Sulphide compound are HARD
(e.g Iron oxide, Calcium carbonate, Zinc sulphide)
Diamond is the HARD mineral, while Talc is the softest mineral

Most minerals exists in the form of compounds like
1. oxides,
2. sulphides
3. Carbonates

Oxides, sulphides and carbonates are usually hard minerals.

All minerals of METAL OXIDES, SULPHIDES, CARBONATES are insoluble /does not dissolve in water
EXCEPT minerals of metallic Potassium and sodium compound.

Metal Carbonate
All metal carbonate DECOMPOSE when HEATED.
EXCEPT Potassium carbonate, Sodium carbonate because both of the metal are very stable.
The heathing of metal carbonate form Metal oxides and carbon dioxide gas.

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