By e-Learning SMKDM

Friday, 29 April 2011

Vegetatife Reproductio

Bulbs consist of very short stems with closely packed
leaves arranged in concentric circles round the stem.
These leaves are swollen with stored food e.g. onion.
A terminal bud will produce next year’s flowering shoot
and the lateral (axillary) buds will produce new plants.

Corms also have a short stem but in this case it is the
stem itself which swells and stores food. The circular
leaves form only papery scales. As with bulbs, the
terminal bud grows into a flowering shoot and the lateral
buds produce new plants.

Rhizomes are stems which grow horizontally under the
ground. In some cases the underground stems are
swollen with food reserves e.g. iris. The terminal bud
turns upwards to produce the flowering shoot and
the lateral buds may grow out to form new rhizomes.

Runners are also horizontal stems growing from the
parent plant, but they grow above ground. When their
terminal buds touch the ground they take root and produce new plants.

Advantages of vegetative reproduction
Since food stores are available throughout the year and the parent plant with its root system can absorb water from quite a wide area, two of the hazards of seed germination are reduced. Buds are produced in an environment where the parent is able to flourish, but many seeds dispersed from plants never reach a suitable situation for effective germination. Vegetative reproduction does not usually result in rapid and widespread distribution of offspring in the same way as seed dispersal, but tends to produce a dense clump of plants with little room for competitors between them. Such groups of plants are very persistent and, because of their buds and underground food stores, can still grow after their foliage has been destroyed by insects, fire, or cultivation. Those of them regarded as weeds are difficult to eradicate, since even a small piece of rhizome bearing a bud can give rise to a new colony (clone).

Vegetative reproduction

Vegetative reproduction

Vegetative reproduction is a form of asexual reproduction in plants. It does not involve flowers, pollination and seed production. Instead, a new plant grows from a vegetative part, usually a stem, of the parent plant. However, plants which reproduce asexually almost always reproduce sexually as well, bearing flowers, fruits and seeds.
Vegetative reproduction from a stem usually involves the buds. Instead of producing a branch,
the bud grows into a complete plant which eventually becomes self-supporting.
Since no gametes are involved, the plants produced
asexually have identical genomes and the offspring
form what is known as a clone.
In some cases of vegetative reproduction, the
structures involved also become storage organs and
swell with stored food, e.g. potatoes.

The principal types of vegetative reproduction
structures are bulbs, corms, rhizomes and runners.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Water Cycle / Kitar Air/ Ubengan Banyu

Water on earth moves in a continuous cycle. This is called THE WATER CYCLE. There is about the same amount of water on earth now that there was when the dinosaurs roamed our planet.
Water travels to many places in many different ways. Where does it go and how does it get there? By Ajey

Eye / Mata /Moto/ Meripat

A little extra information..
on eye protection
"Eyes sit in sockets within the bones of your skull (known as the orbits), and are surrounded by fat, fibrous tissue and muscles that help protect them from damage. Your eyes are also protected by your eyelids and eyelashes, which block out bright light and help to keep out dust, dirt and other foreign objects.

Tears are produced by the lacrimal gland, located in the orbit just above the outside corner of each eye. Tears are swept across the front of your eyes each time you blink, and drain into ducts at the inner corners of the eyes. Tears not only lubricate the eyes, but also work with your eyelids and eyelashes to protect against dirt and infection."
*note: In the Form 2 Science KBSM textbook some of the parts may be named differently or not mentioned at all ©Mashuri e-Learning SMKDM

Ear Telinga Kupeng

The ear is the organ that detects sound. The vertebrate ear shows a common biology from fish to humans, with variations in structure according to order and species. It not only acts as a receiver for sound, but plays a major role in the sense of balance and body position. The ear is part of the auditory system By M

Kuiz PMR 1

Untuk GenerasiKU




Tahniah SMK Datuk Menteri

Khamis, 25 November 2010 01:25 Ditulis oleh ROSLI BIN ABDUL JABAR, PPPD Pengurusan Kualiti
Pihak kami telah menerima lebih daripada 100 proposal inovasi dari seluruh sekolah dalam daerah Batu Pahat. Daripada senarai tersebut sebanyak 43 inovasi telah disenarai pendek dan dibentangkan pada 9 - 11 November 2010 yang lalu. Semua inovasi yang telah dibentangkan ini akan menerima sijil penghargaan dari pihak PPD Batu Pahat. Namun demikian, hanya 10 yang terbaik sahaja akan dipaparkan dalam portal ini dan kedudukan 1 hingga 5 akan menerima penghargaan pada Hari Inovasi 2010 PPD Batu Pahat yang akan diadakan pada awal tahun hadapan.

Keputusan 10 yang terbaik adalah seperti berikut :


Selamat Hari Guru

Adab menuntut ilmu

Adab menuntut Ilmu
Adab-adab Ketika Belajar
Membaca Doa Penerang Hati
Duduk dengan sopan
Mendengar penerangan guru dengan teliti
Berlumba-lumba untuk belajar
Sabar ketika belajar
Sentiasa mengulangkaji pelajaran
Menghormati guru anda
Mendisiplinkan diri

Kebaikan Menuruti Adab-adab Ketika Belajar
Mendapat keberkatan daripada Allah SWT
Anda akan disenangi guru dan rakan
Mudah memahami dan menerima ilmu yang diajar

Akibat Mengabaikan Adab Ketika Belajar
Tidak mendapat keberkatan daripada Allah SWT
Dibenci oleh guru dan rakan anda
Sukar memahami dan menerima ilmu yang diajar.

Ikutilah langkah dan adab belajar di atas semuga anda menjadi anak yang soleh, Pelajar yang cemerlang, Warga negara dan pembela bangsa dan agama yang terbilang, penuh kerahmatan dari Allah swt

The Generation of Electrical Energy

Introduction / Pengenalan
A generator is a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Principal of electricity generation :
For generator to produce electrical energy
, the coil of wire in the generator has to be rotate within a magnetic field by a turbine. Different energy sources are used to provide a kinetic energy.
Types of generators.
There are various types of generator, such as thermal generator, hydroelectric generator, diesel generator, nuclear generator and gas turbine generator

Hydroelectric generator.

How Hydroelectric generator Work

Monday, 25 April 2011

7.1 & 7.2 Electric /Elektrik

Static electricity.
*Is created when an object gives up or gains electrons.
*Objects is made of atoms

Production of static electric charges
*When certain material are rubbed against each other, like wool on plastic, static electricity will be produced.
*The process causes electrons to be transfer from one material to another material.
*The material that loses electrons ends up with a positive charges.
*The material that gains electrons ends up with a negative charges.
*For example, a comb that has been rubbed with woolen cloth will attract neutral pieces of tissue when the comb is brought near to it.

Characteristics of static electric charges
Electristatics Forces.
*If two objects have different charges, they attract, or pull towards each other
*If two objects have the same charges, they repel, or push away from each other

7.3 Everyday phenomena related to electrostatics 02 ByM

Everyday phenomena related to electrostatics
Most cloud have negative charges when water vapour in it rubs with air.
When a huge build up of excess charges happen, it will suddenly discharges into the neutral ground.
Hence, lighting happened.

7.4 VDG Generator /Janakuasa Van De Graff


7.5 Electric Current / Arus Elektrik

*Electric current is the rate of flow of electric charges passing through a conductor.
*The unit of measurement is called ampere
*Produced when electrons flow in a certain direction

Electric current
Definition: electron that move (flow) in conductor in one direction.
Measuring using Ammeter.
Ammeter must connected in series in a circuit.The positive terminal of ammeter must connected to the positive terminal of the electrical supply.
Unit : Amperes
Symbol : A or I

Electric Current / Arus Elektrik

Ac DC Current / Arus Terus (AT) dan Arus Ulang alik (AU)

Ohm's Law / Hukum Ohm

Rheostat / Reostat

Rheostat / Reostat . Perintang boleh ubah

Electric Current / Arus Elektrik

Voltage / Voltan

Resistance / Rintangan

Ohm"s Law / Hukum Ohm's

Quick Refresh ;series and parallel circuits / Litar Siri dan Litar Selari

Comparison between series and parallel circuitsKlik untuk lebih jelas(Click to enlarge).

Advantages of a series circuit
(a)The current are same in all part of a circuit
(b)The current in a circuit can be increase by adding more cells
(c)Reduces dangers happen because the whole circuit will stop operating if one of the component is damaged or fused.

Disadvantages of a series circuit
(a)Cells in series will be consumed much faster
(b)The resistance in a circuit will increase if more component are added
(c)Can be annoying because one component fail will lead malfunction
to other components.

Advantages of a parallel circuit
(a)Cells in parallel can lasts longer
(b)More components can be added without the need for higher voltage
(c)Others components will remain function although one of the component damaged or fused.

Disadvantages of a parallel circuit
(a)Same amount of current are produce although more cells are provided.

Quick Refresh: Measuring Electricity By M

Klik untuk lebih jelas(Click to enlarge)

Electric current can be measured using ammeter

Voltage can be measured using voltmeter

Resistors are used to provide resistance in a circuit
Resistors are used to
(a)reduce the current flowing
(b)maintain steady currents
(c)set up varying voltages
(d)as energy convertor to change electrical energy into light energy.

By M69.

Magnetism / Magnet / Besi Berani

1.Magnet is an object made of certain materials which create a magnetic field.
2.Magnet has north pole and south pole.
3.Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.
4.Magnet attract things made of iron, cobalt, nickel and steel.
5.Magnet do not attract things like paper, aluminum, copper and glass.

unlike poles attract
Like poles repel

Magnetic field / Medan Magnet

1.All magnetic objects produce invisible lines of force known as magnetic field that extend between the poles of the object.
2.Magnetic field is strongest at the two poles of magnet.

1.Magnetism is a force that acts at a distance which is caused by a magnetic field
2.The magnetic force strongly attracts to unlike poles and repels to like poles
3.If a bar magnet has break into two pieces, each piece will again have a north pole and a south pole
4.No matter how small the pieces of the magnet become, each piece will have a north pole and a south pole
5.Thus, there are no monopoles
6.The magnetic field lines always move from north pole to south pole
7.The magnetic field lines do not cross with each other

Electromagnetism. Right-hand grip rule / Hukum Gengaman Tangan Kanan

Right-hand grip rule
Right-hand grip rule
Electromagnetism describes the relationship between the electricity and magnetism
1.Right-hand grip rule is used to determine the direction of the magnetic field that move.
2.Take your right hand and wrap it around the wire, with your thumb pointing in the direction of the electric current (positive to negative), then your finger are pointing in the direction of the magnetic field around the wire.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Land and its Resources 01 Tanah dan Sumbernya

The properties of mineral. Different minerals have different characteristics. Mineral possess different characteristicc in term of:
1. Hardness
2. Solubility in water
3. Effect of Heat
Hardness of mineral refers to the resistance offered by the mineral on being scratched.
The hardness of a mineral is measured In Mohs unit.
Most mineral are hard. This mineral can only be scratched by hard objects such as knives.
Nevertheless, hard mineral can scratch softer minerals.
All mineral made up of….Carbonate….Oxide….Sulphide compound are HARD
(e.g Iron oxide, Calcium carbonate, Zinc sulphide)
Diamond is the HARD mineral, while Talc is the softest mineral

Most minerals exists in the form of compounds like
1. oxides,
2. sulphides
3. Carbonates

Oxides, sulphides and carbonates are usually hard minerals.

All minerals of METAL OXIDES, SULPHIDES, CARBONATES are insoluble /does not dissolve in water
EXCEPT minerals of metallic Potassium and sodium compound.

Metal Carbonate
All metal carbonate DECOMPOSE when HEATED.
EXCEPT Potassium carbonate, Sodium carbonate because both of the metal are very stable.
The heathing of metal carbonate form Metal oxides and carbon dioxide gas.

Mineral and Rock Batuan dan Mineral


Silicon Silikon

Silicon Compounds
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust

Silicon usually exist in the form of
1.Silica (Silicon. Oxygen) or (silicon dioxide)
2.silicates (Silicon. Oxygen.Metal)

The chemical compound silicon dioxide also known as silica.
Silicon + Oxygen -------- Silicon dioxide (silica)
Example of silica are sand, quartz and flint.

Silicate is the chemical compound consist of silicon, oxygen and metal
Silicon + Oxygen + Metal-------------Silicate
Example of silicate are mica, ruby and jade

Pure silicon is used to make electronic chips also known as silicon chips

Properties of silicon compounds
1.Silicon compounds are very stable
2.Silicon compounds
do not dissolve in water
do not react with acids
do not decompose when heated

Uses of silicon compounds
Used in heating appliances as electrical insulators
Manufacture of glass

Manufacture of glass
To make container
To make insulators

Used as heat insulators in fire-proof clothing worn by fire fighters
