By e-Learning SMKDM

Monday, 25 April 2011

Quick Refresh ;series and parallel circuits / Litar Siri dan Litar Selari

Comparison between series and parallel circuitsKlik untuk lebih jelas(Click to enlarge).

Advantages of a series circuit
(a)The current are same in all part of a circuit
(b)The current in a circuit can be increase by adding more cells
(c)Reduces dangers happen because the whole circuit will stop operating if one of the component is damaged or fused.

Disadvantages of a series circuit
(a)Cells in series will be consumed much faster
(b)The resistance in a circuit will increase if more component are added
(c)Can be annoying because one component fail will lead malfunction
to other components.

Advantages of a parallel circuit
(a)Cells in parallel can lasts longer
(b)More components can be added without the need for higher voltage
(c)Others components will remain function although one of the component damaged or fused.

Disadvantages of a parallel circuit
(a)Same amount of current are produce although more cells are provided.

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